Tuesday 12 May 2015

Cozy living room - few tips. Modern or classic furniture are best for your home?

Many of you probably think that decorating huge living room will be a piece of cake. But it's not true - big rooms present some of their own challenges. Whether you live in a loft, have a living room with extremely high ceilings or simply have a lot of space to fill, here are some ideas that make your room feel balanced and comfortable.

First of all strategically place tall potted plants. Fill vertical height in rooms with tall ceilings or fill bare, lonely corners with potted trees.

Leather sofa and chair in living room

Next, remember to paint walls in two colors. While tall potted plants are great for drawing the eye up and accentuating high ceilings, sometimes we crave the opposite effect. Painting color on your walls only part of the way up creates a cozier feeling, tricking the eye into thinking the ceilings are lower than they are.

Wall in living room painted in two tones

You can use a bed as a room divider. In a really large living room, you may wish to create two full seating areas. Mark the separation while keeping the flow between the two zones with furniture you can easily see over.

It will be helpfull to define zones with a console table. Another option for sectioning off parts of a large living room is floating your sofa in the middle of the room and placing a console table behind it.

Tango T18 Table

You can comfortably fill a large space with an L-shaped sectional. Large, modern spaces are especially suited to accommodate a great big L-shaped sofa.

Comfy sofa in modern style

Also use an L-shaped sectional as a room divider. Another great place for your L-shaped sofa is between two seating areas or dividing the living and dining spaces in an open-plan space.

Last but not least, use occasional chairs. Another great use of surplus wall space is for housing a few extra chairs. A console table between a pair of chairs with a large mirror or artwork above always looks smart.

Source: furnitex.co.uk

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